Launch of Version One of new STN® begins new era in IP searching

Karlsruhe/ Germany and Columbus/ Ohio (July 2, 2013) – The STN partners, FIZ Karlsruhe and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), are pleased to announce the launch of Version One of the new STN platform! Users from hundreds of organizations around the world explored Version One during the half year of beta testing, providing valuable feedback. Their feedback confirms that the new STN platform design, project-oriented workflow, search power, precision, and speed meet professional searchers“ exacting demands and exceed their expectations. The broad release of Version One of the new platform extends the benefits of this new technology to all organizations using STN under fixed fee programs. Version One is the first step toward a modern and powerful new STN system.

Version One of the new STN platform delivers core STN content including the complete CAS REGISTRYSM and CAplusSM content along with Thomson Reuters“ Derwent World Patents Index® (DWPISM), including the Derwent Chemistry Resource (DCR). Proprietary search technology offers new features that allow for STN“s unique content offering to be explored in new ways. With its advanced design, STN“s intuitive user interface is oriented toward the work processes of patent specialists. Users can manage their search strategies and results in dedicated „projects“, which enable search professionals to organize and efficiently work on numerous projects concurrently. Specific emphasis has been placed on workflow. The user interface has been designed to show search query, history, and results at a glance while highlighting the most relevant answer sets. The greatly increased search capacity allows for completely new approaches to searching and results evaluation. For example, within seconds the results of a chemical structure search of more than 70 million substances, can be executed and the results filtered according to their pharmacological and toxic effect when used in drugs or as pesticides.

„The much faster search execution, integrated real-time analysis, more efficient results interaction, and increased search capacity leads to a superior user experience. We believe that the new platform is a leap into the future of IP searching,“ said Sabine Brünger-Weilandt, President and CEO of FIZ Karlsruhe.

Robert Massie, President of CAS noted that users will be supported on both current and new STN platforms, with access on the new system provided initially to fixed fee customers. Access will be extended to transactional customers in 2014. He also confirmed that the STN partners will continue to fully support and enhance the classic STN platform during the transition period.

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About STN
The choice of patent experts, only STN® offers access to trusted scientific and technical information including the authoritative chemistry content from CAS and patent content from Thomson Reuters“ Derwent World Patents Index®. Intellectual property professionals and patent examiners at the world“s major patent offices and research organizations rely on STN for their information needs. STN is operated jointly by CAS and FIZ Karlsruhe worldwide.

About CAS
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, is the world“s authority for chemical information. CAS is the only organization in the world whose objective is to find, collect and organize all publicly disclosed chemical substance information. A team of scientists worldwide curates and controls the quality of our databases, which are recognized as the most comprehensive and authoritative by chemical and pharmaceutical companies, universities, government organizations and patent offices around the world. By combining these databases with advanced search and analysis technologies (SciFinder® and STN®), CAS delivers the most current, complete, secure and interlinked digital information environment for scientific discovery. Learn more at

About FIZ Karlsruhe
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure ( is a not-for-profit limited liability company and the largest non-academic information infrastructure institution in Germany. As such, its public mission is to develop and provide products and services for an information infrastructure to science, research, and industry. FIZ Karlsruhe strives to strengthen the transfer of knowledge in Germany and abroad and to support the promotion of innovation.

Our business areas:
– STN International – the world“s leading online service for research and patent information in science and technology
– KnowEsis – innovative e-Science solutions to support the process of research in all its stages (e.g., research data management), and throughout all scientific disciplines
– Databases and Information Services – Databases and science portals in mathematics, computer science, crystallography, chemistry, and energy technology

FIZ Karlsruhe is a member of the Leibniz Association, which comprises more than 80 institutions involved in research activities and/or the development of scientific infrastructure.

CAS Contact
Rhonda Ross

FIZ Karlsruhe Contact
Dr. Robert Hauser (Press Contact)
+49 7247 808 115

Rüdiger Mack (Head Marketing Communications)
+49 7247 808 513

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