Is your lab prepared for the end of Windows XP?

After 13 years, Microsoft has officially discontinued the support for Windows XP since 8th April 2014. Because no security updates or fixes will be released anymore, a Windows XP based computer connected to any network or the Internet is much more susceptible to hackers and viruses. Security companies are predicting a massive wave of malware targeting specifically XP computers and (your) sensitive data.
If your Hamilton STAR Line system is still controlled by a computer with Windows XP, you might want to consider an upgrade of the operating system to Win 7 to secure your IT environment. Hamilton offers individual packages for these upgrades which also include our newest software release VENUS Three.
The upgrade to Win 7 strongly requires the correct system configuration of both the system and STAR Line software. Else the proper functionality and complete data transfer cannot be ensured and furthermore depending on the software version the update can lead to a non-functional system. Therefore contact before the upgrade.
For more information about the discontinuance please contact your Hamilton representative under
Fairs & Conferences
Human Genome Meeting 2014
27.-30. Apr 2014, Geneva
Knowledge for Growth
08 May 2014, Ghent
DNA in Forensics
14.-16. May, Brussels
Software and Operator Seminars
New training dates for software and operator seminars are available:
VT20B Basic software seminar:
06.-08. May 2014
PT21B / PT22 F Software praxis seminar:
08. May 2014
TO10A STAR Line Operator training:
26. Jun 2014
VTM1LL Liquidhandling and correct labware definition:
28. Oct 2014
VTM1AD Worklists, data handling, data in- and output, reports:
29. Oct 2014
VTM1VE Dialogs, variables, error handling, structuring by submethods and libraries:
30. Oct 2014
What do I learn in your seminar VTM1VE?
Take advantage in using variables in your methods instead of fixed values. Using variables, pipetting and transport steps can be controlled in a very flexible way. The parameters (e.g. aspiration or mixing volume, grip width?) can be changed easily by the programmer or even during the run by the user.
In the seminar you can explore the power of user dialogs that allow your users to easily enter different kind of data as variables or paths to work lists or for storing reports.
Learn how to organize your method using submethods reducing redundancy of steps at the same time. Submethods are also a perfect tool for creating small test methods.
Finally you will learn how to increase the walk-away time of your system by using automated and user-defined error handling. The error handling procedure takes over when a defined error occurs. Instrument stops or even aborts can be circumvented, the method will automatically proceed without having user interaction needed.
For further information send your email to

Mit der Entwicklung der Mikroliterspritze gründete Clark Hamilton 1947 einen Konzern der bis heute als Synonym für präzise Flüssigkeitsdosierung steht. Mit der MICROAB® STAR Line revolutionierte HAMILTON die automatische Flüssigkeitsdosierung durch Innovationen wie vollständig unabhängige, asymmetrisch spreizbarer Pipettierkanäle, „Dual Liquid Level Detection“ und „Monitored Air Displacement“ für höchste Prozessstabilität und überlegene Pipettierresultate.HAMILTON hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, durch „Innovation for Automation“ zufriedene Kunden zu gewinnen und sich dadurch als führendes Unternehmen für automatisiertes Liquid Handling in den Life Sciences zu etablieren.

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