Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, regionale Ökosysteme mit dem Wissen und den Werkzeugen zu stärken, die Unternehmen helfen sollen diese Barrieren zu überwinden und nachhaltiges Wachstum durch Innovationen in der Wertschöpfungskette zu generieren.
Project partner
• Pannon Business Network Association, West-Hungary
• Styrian Technology Park, Vzhodna, Slovenia
• Padova Chamber of Commerce Industry Crafts and Agriculture, Veneto, Italy
• Croatian Chamber of Economy, Kontinentalna, Croatia
• Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region, Jihozápad, Czech Republic
• bwcon GMBH, Stuttgart, Germany
• Wroclaw Technology Park, Dolnośląskie, Poland
• Kosice IT Valley, Východné Slovensko, Slovakia
• BioEconomy Cluster, Západné, Slovakia
• R-Tech GMBH (E-Mobilitätscluster Regensburg), Oberpfalz, Germany
• Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development Ltd., Śląskie, Poland
• Maribor Development Agency, Vzhodna Slovenija, Slovenia
• Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji, Mazowieckie, Poland
• University of Economics in Katowice, Śląskie, Poland
The area of central Europe is well industrialised but not fully using the innovation potential generated by large leading corporations headquarters with strong research and development activities. As a result, the local small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs) show rather low performances in the indicator “innovating in-house and with others” as measured by the European Innovation Scoreboard.
The CHAIN REACTIONS project aims to increase the capacity of industrial businesses to innovate. The idea is to absorb new knowledge and turn it into competitiveness edge and business value, growth and profits. There is especially a need to help SMEs to overcome operational stress and a capacity shortage with respect to innovation as well as a stronger integration into emerging transnational and global value chains.
The project focuses on a few key sectors based on their embedding in regional smart specialisation strategies. These include advanced manufacturing, ICT and electronics, energy and environment, health and bioeconomy. The partnership will develop practical instruments (e.g. maturity models) to measure innovation potentials and capacities; set up triple helix “Innovation and Growth Alliances” and develop their capacity to support value chain innovation; and set up value chain observatories to analyse selected industrial sectors and their value chains.
Uwe Pfeil
Clustermanager E-Mobilitätscluster Regensburg
R-Tech GmbH
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55
E-Mail: uwe.pfeil@techbase.de